اعرف المزيد عنا
باستعمال خبراتنا وعلاقتنا في عالم العقارات والتجارة نحن هنا لمساعدتكم في كل ما تحتاجونه في هذه المجالات.
We are here to make you feel confortable in finding your clients as agents and agencies and to find what you are searching for as clients
With his years of experience, impressive property portfolio, important clientele, and unparalleled knowledge of the market and pedigree estates, Ahmad estimable business is sophisticated and renowned.
Our goal is to make the whole arabic world easy to reach when talking about selling or buying.
Our agents and you as agents and agencies are the core of our work.
تعرف على الوكلاء الابرز
جميع الوكلاء في خدمتكم
تعرف علينا من خلال تقييم الزبائن لنا
الاسئلة الاكثر تداولا
بعض التساؤلات التي قد تخطر على بالك
The Registration Act, 1908, the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 and the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 mandates the registration of an agreement for sale of an immovable property. By registering the agreement for sale of an immovable property, it becomes a permanent public record. Further, a person is considered as the legal owner of an immovable property only after he gets such property registered in his name.
Each country has its own rules for such a case.
You have to contact the buyer since each item has its own rules.
As soon as we can.
هنا قيمة ما يجري من صفقات عبر موقعنا. الصفقات المعروض سعرها علنا.
تواصل معنا لصفقتك التالية
جميع الوكلاء والوكالات بانتظار تواصلكم